LDA21-0159 The Clifton- Westmount
This application proposes to rezone the site at 10143 & 10145 Clifton Place NW, from an existing Site Specific Development Control Provision (DC2.959(External link)) to a new DC2. The existing DC2 provides regulations for three areas (A, B & C) along the southwest side of Clifton Place. The proposed revisions are for Area A only. Areas B and C will remain as is with minor updates to remove Area A, and to update terminology to match current Zoning Bylaw standards.
The proposed DC2 Provision for Area A maintains the following existing regulations for a residential tower:
A maximum height of 55 metres;
A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.0; and
A maximum 55 dwellings; and
A maximum Tower Floor Plate of 650 m2.
The proposed revisions to the DC2 are summarized as follows:
Removal of row housing style dwellings at grade fronting Clifton Place;
Adjusting tower outline to remove the podium component;
Revising the site layout to move the building further north on the lot;
Updating to current Zoning Bylaw standards for landscaping and sustainable design; and
Revisions to the community amenity contribution.
The existing community contributions include the provision for:
$46,000 for public art; and
A trail and viewpoint behind the property, connecting between a public access easement along the southeast property line and the public park located to the northwest of the site.
The proposed community contribution would provide:
Provide funds for the future development of a trail behind property;
Upgrade/resurface the rest of Clifton Place NW, improve the sidewalk along the southwest of Clifton Place NW and upgrade the connection between Clifton Place NW and Jasper Avenue/125 Street.
This application proposes to rezone the site at 10143 & 10145 Clifton Place NW, from an existing Site Specific Development Control Provision (DC2.959(External link)) to a new DC2. The existing DC2 provides regulations for three areas (A, B & C) along the southwest side of Clifton Place. The proposed revisions are for Area A only. Areas B and C will remain as is with minor updates to remove Area A, and to update terminology to match current Zoning Bylaw standards.
The proposed DC2 Provision for Area A maintains the following existing regulations for a residential tower:
A maximum height of 55 metres;
A maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3.0; and
A maximum 55 dwellings; and
A maximum Tower Floor Plate of 650 m2.
The proposed revisions to the DC2 are summarized as follows:
Removal of row housing style dwellings at grade fronting Clifton Place;
Adjusting tower outline to remove the podium component;
Revising the site layout to move the building further north on the lot;
Updating to current Zoning Bylaw standards for landscaping and sustainable design; and
Revisions to the community amenity contribution.
The existing community contributions include the provision for:
$46,000 for public art; and
A trail and viewpoint behind the property, connecting between a public access easement along the southeast property line and the public park located to the northwest of the site.
The proposed community contribution would provide:
Provide funds for the future development of a trail behind property;
Upgrade/resurface the rest of Clifton Place NW, improve the sidewalk along the southwest of Clifton Place NW and upgrade the connection between Clifton Place NW and Jasper Avenue/125 Street.

LDA21-0159 The Clifton- Westmount
***The discussion has concluded and a What We Heard Report will be made available here when completed.*** Thank you for participating in engagement activities for this rezoning application. For any further inquiries regarding this application, please contact the planner
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