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  1. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Unless it's significantly cheaper.
  2. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Flair has so many issues. They should have never agreed to share aircraft with Bonza (FYI Bonza are also having massive issues, with this being one of their issues as well). I want both to survive as I live in both Canada (Winnipeg) and regional Australia where Bonza flys and provides massive...
  3. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    The blunt reality is that if you aren't one of the top three aéroport hubs in Canada, or WestJet in Calgary, then you are not a first choice for any airline. So in order to create your business, you have to roll up your sleeves and do some cold calling to sell yourself as a viable destination...
  4. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    The UA flights did not have any funds issues by the provincial government. All that was done was active ongoing negotiations to bring them back between the WAA and UA. As for LAX and ATL, none of the government grants have been used to date as the flights have been more than successful.
  5. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Hey, anything to chip away at YYC's dominance and stranglehold over flight/hub status on the Prairies is a great thing in my books.
  6. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Isn't Edmonton getting a second daily flight to Denver on the upgraded aircraft? That's not too bad. I understand how you feel though. YWG have been working on getting these flights back for over three years. Also, I have a very loose connection that said United, outside of Chicago and Denver...
  7. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Thank you. Is it normally done via press release or on their website? I'm new to all of this so I don't really know how it works.
  8. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    I meant their 2024 summer schedule. Not 2023.
  9. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Does anyone know when WestJet will be releasing their full Summer schedule, and also where that information will be located?
  10. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    I was referring to air service to Calgary for all airlines, not just AC.
  11. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Ah right, thanks. Why don't they post this info on their website? It's frustrating to see people posting all this garble about route changes, but not knowing where people are getting their info from. I'm clearly not a 'valued customer' as I don't get those emails, so people like me are left in...
  12. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    SSP is all aflutter over the Calgary cuts, and now they are saying these cuts are no longer restricted to winter. Does anyone where they (and Global apparently) are getting their info from? It would be nice to see if any other cities are being affected with cuts.
  13. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Thank you. Yeah, Sunwings was there. There are other forums where people are talking about AC and WestJet posting updates to winter schedules, but nothing was on the company websites or AeroRoutes. I have no idea where they were getting their info from, or if they are accurate statements or not.
  14. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Do you also know where people can find updates for schedules for AC, WestJet and Porter? I've heard some of them have come out but can't find them myself.
  15. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Yeah, the Delta-Westjet connection has been the reasons for the most recent US WestJet routes. The YWG-JFK (Delta) would be the most preferable for a permanent connection to the NE US and beyond, however I keep hearing how there are no slots available for new cities at any of the NY airports...
  16. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    The subsidy for the LA route never materialised as the route was a money making hit on its own. The same is expected for Atlanta. The rumoured Detroit route? I have no idea how well that one will do. I'd rather they do a Boston or NYC route for a NE connection, plus those cities are major tour...
  17. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    In reading through this thread, there have been discussions on other airports; Vancouver, Halifax, Calgary, etc. Why are you so bent out of shape over discussion regarding the Winnipeg airport?
  18. M


    Our Ukrainian communities are also very similar. During my 8 year stint in Edmonton, it felt very much like home in that regards.
  19. M

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    Then I guess you will be disappointed over the next few months, because an announcement is pending. Winnipeg is also getting it's United Chicago and Denver flights back by autumn, and Detroit is rumoured to be the next US Westjet destination, although this one is still only a rumour. Then again...
  20. M


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