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  1. Garneau2Go

    Alberta Politics

    “Madam premier, you dropped this.”
  2. Garneau2Go

    Alberta Politics

    The proposal was expensive, but they want to integrate it with some sort of new Calgary Grand Central Station and the arena deal they used to win the last election. The municipal green line cancelation can’t be about cost when the plan is to then tack on…*checks notes* a whole multi billion...
  3. Garneau2Go

    Alberta Politics

  4. Garneau2Go

    Edmonton's Population

    Even if the demand is single family homes, we’ve got much more permissive zoning, and that lets us become a city of options. Diversity in cheaper housing means you’ve got choices for lifestyle and stage of life. Edmonton is nice since you can live that urbanist dream in a few neighborhoods and...
  5. Garneau2Go

    New Zoning Bylaw

    I would support some form of greenbelt or environmental protection restricting greenfield development as the best agricultural lands we have are immediately surrounding Edmonton. With climate change looming and making some areas worse for farming we should support protecting what farmland we...
  6. Garneau2Go

    Alberta Politics

    Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, it should be important that a councillor or mayor be allowed to finish their term and represent their constituents as they were voted in a free and fair election, they should be able to freely represent their constituents without fear of...
  7. Garneau2Go

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    Honestly? I think pointing fingers isn’t helpful because if we want to lay blame it’s not one person, it’s a never ending cascade of events and policies going back decades (if not a century) that got us here. There is no one person to blame and if we just fix what they did it all goes away. Is...
  8. Garneau2Go

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    Edmonton is the only real city for an area the size of Western Europe once you start looking north, and has enough services that if you’re homeless, you’re much better off here than say Grande Prairie or in the territories. I’ve seen enough unhoused people in oil company gemsuits to wonder if...
  9. Garneau2Go

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    Mental institutions were closed in part due to horrific abuse, which led to them being treated in community. This is fine in theory however it also requires a good well funded social support system to allow that. It’s not fair both to the community who aren’t equipped or funded to handle such...
  10. Garneau2Go

    Federal Politics

    Sadly, for all the talk of the Federal Government doing nothing for Alberta and how we should be treated better, It’ll now codified by law that there will be a massive barrier to stop the Liberals from trying to remedy that.
  11. Garneau2Go

    Federal Politics

    I’m sure this has come up in other threads but there is a new law coming that prevents further collaboration between the federal government and the cities without the provincial government’s consent. I find it very troubling that the city is losing one of its last bits of independence...
  12. Garneau2Go

    Municipal Politics

    Tim Cartmell on municipal political parties
  13. Garneau2Go

    LRT Safety

    Strongly consider the absolute public relations and legal nightmare if officers start just kicking out anyone who looks vaguely poor from transit stations at gunpoint. There’s a middle ground here by having cctv monitor and dispatch, having turnstiles and enforcement of bylaws. Why that seems...
  14. Garneau2Go

    Municipal Politics

    I’ve become a lot less enthusiastic as of late about cities being this entity that’s at the whim of the province is a good thing. Downloading costs and responsibilities without giving powers to generate revenue or even offsetting them is an awful way to treat municipalities, say nothing of the...
  15. Garneau2Go

    LRT Expansion Planning

    I’d guess Siemens S200s, similar to Calgary and San Francisco
  16. Garneau2Go

    Edmonton's population is booming, where are all the new proposals?

    Go for a drive around the city, especially 149th street past 82nd after the traffic circle. I try to take a bit of a different route from downtown to the West End and have really started to notice that a lot of the large single houses that used to dominate that street have been fenced off and...
  17. Garneau2Go

    Alberta Politics

    I’m not too worried if Nenshi wins the Premiership, him and Iveson have talked at length about collaboration between the two cities being more important than competition, and I’m not worried about the NDP actively punishing Edmonton like the UCP is.
  18. Garneau2Go

    South Edmonton Hospital & Health Campus | ?m | ?s | Province of Alberta

    Yeah look, ideology doesn’t really change the fact we are in dire need for a new general hospital to keep up with growth and aren’t getting one. There’s nobody really else to blame except the UCP because it’s their constitutional responsibility to build them and they have a majority...
  19. Garneau2Go

    New Zoning Bylaw

    Edmonton is really interesting because we’ve managed to do a bunch of controversial things without much fanfare while Calgary and its mayor seem to be getting hammered over the same things. One example is was we passed a climate emergency declaration before them with little coverage and in...
  20. Garneau2Go

    Downtown Crime

    I was in LA January of last year, and I walked by myself around downtown and I can tell you that there is an incomprehensible difference between the crime and visible disorder between Edmonton and Los Angeles. Edmonton isn’t perfect but the two cities are not even in the same ballpark, or even...
