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Search results

  1. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    It'll certainly be severely underutilized due to lack of staying amenities. I'm sure people will jog the trails and people will use the hoops. I feel like the playground will be quite cheap and everything else will feel like an underwhelming grass-space. A great stamp on the downtown core of why...
  2. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    Clueless, none of those things create ambient white noise to drown out city noise and sirens. The result is a less inviting park with no place to gather. Also that feature is not large enough to become a maintenance nightmare. I used to own a landscaping company and we designed/build comparable...
  3. Stevey_G

    Boyle Street Community Services | ?m | 2s

    It'll be interesting to see what impact the relocation has on Downtown's crime rate.
  4. Stevey_G

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    Lots of old people selling farms and acreages wanna move to condos like those as well because they’re easy to get back to wherever they came from and are surrounded by some solid amenities quite often.
  5. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    There was a show called "Under Arrest" on Netflix for awhile that followed EPS officers during the early-ish 2000s and late 90s. Well worth putting your pirate hat on and sailing the high seas for.
  6. Stevey_G

    Old Remand Centre Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Boyle Street | Manasc Isaac

    On the bright side it’s an ideal location for a new courthouse if that ever becomes a reality.
  7. Stevey_G

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    Love that cladding. This building is going to be something genuinely beautiful and unique.
  8. Stevey_G

    Old Remand Centre Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Boyle Street | Manasc Isaac

    Looking back at the old rederings; though those renovations would have been wildly impractical for this building's structure and layout what a cool story it would have been to take a former prison and turn it into a sanctuary.
  9. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    I'm down for this. Put it far away from my place which is right beside the existing one too lol.
  10. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    If that's the case do I have large slabs of marble to sell you.
  11. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    The fact that we are talking about space constraints for a 1.4 hectare park is a sign in itself that it is disproportionately designed and maybe the city should go back to the drawing board.
  12. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    The function of water features isn't just aesthetics, it has to do with creating white noise to drown out city noise and make a park more pleasant and inviting. They expropriated millions of dollars worth of land for a half measure and a straight up lie (put a bloody vault in for crying out...
  13. Stevey_G

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    If you like to scroll while pooping at work I recommend checking out the "Unbuilt" pages. There's over a dozen pages of unrecognized projects in and around the downtown core and some beyond. Edmonton really was a victim of taking it's next step as a major metropolitan city at the time that we...
  14. Stevey_G

    East Junction | 86m | 25s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

    Hey man I'll give high praise to plenty of developments. I really appreciate a lot of builds around this city. Some towers however simply look terrible and there's no reason to deny our architectural game is behind that of other cities.
  15. Stevey_G

    East Junction | 86m | 25s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

    Anyone remember the early designs that caused all the controversy in the community? Yikes, what we got feels like a spite move from the developer.
  16. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    Swedish Aspens around the park perimeter babyyyyyyy
  17. Stevey_G

    Edmonton Real Estate Market

    Some places. Things seem pretty quiet on the condo front downtown selling my place. Lots of looks, only one potential offer that they backed out of due to financing. Still a long ways to go I think. I wish I could hold another year for the park but I'm buying a house in BC and need to...
  18. Stevey_G

    Edmonton Real Estate Market

    The single use corporation thing is such a joke. Law should be put in place where, when negligence is found, whoever was on the board can be pursued for the life of the development. So if load bearing beams for example are missing, it doesn't matter HOW long it's been, the victims of the...
  19. Stevey_G

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    Did you just ASSUME his career?! GOSH :eek:
  20. Stevey_G

    Warehouse District Park

    Take a picture every day from the same tripod location! That would be sweet. A year's worth of shots would net you a ten second video.
