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Search results

  1. God

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    Sorry haven’t said anything for 7 months on this site. I guess that ended up with me having a lot to say hah.
  2. God

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    Everyone here needs to quit bitchin. You’d think we’re workin with redeveloping Mumbai with the way some of you guys are talking. We went 8 years at one point with not a single tower built downtown. I think just right now there are 6 or 7 ongoing projects in the core. All covid did was put...
  3. God

    Falcon Towers | 170m | 44s | Langham Developments | Arc Studio

    City should buy it turn it into a pocket basketball court and pay to have a mural of the stingers on that wall. Could have room for food trucks and tables too. Would bring a little more needed traffic south of Jasper Ave.
  4. God

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    From what I know only the third floor is opened. You can’t get thought the main entrance either and have to use the second one beside the dispensary which takes you up a stairway to the roof.
  5. God

    ICE District Block IJ | ?m | ?s | ICE District Prop. | Next Architecture

    @jason403 ive noticed you at the very least are disappointed with how this site is being used based off of you reactions to the posts ( 😡, 🙁 ) care to elaborate? Curious since the EDM fest and Carnival are very different from each other. Yet, you seem to dislike either.
  6. God

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

    Idk I feel like if they wanted to they could definitely meet in the middle and have lights instead of advertising. I think that they didn’t want to I’m guessing because the tower did finish during covid. We know the mayhem that had started. So I think it just didn’t make sense to spend a...
  7. God

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

    Stantec and JW are at their best in the summer sun.
  8. God

    ICE District Block IJ | ?m | ?s | ICE District Prop. | Next Architecture

    They already have a carnival and an EDMfest booked there in the summer.
  9. God

    ICE District Block IJ | ?m | ?s | ICE District Prop. | Next Architecture

    Let me get this straight. They build a massive public plaza. Out of pocket. Where they aren’t charging fans to watch the game and thousands can group up and enjoy the atmosphere without paying. God forbid they show some ads to make some money back. The screens are also used for extra game...
  10. God

    Falcon Towers | 170m | 44s | Langham Developments | Arc Studio

    I swear he said upgrading lol.
  11. God

    Emerald Tower | 153.61m | 45s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

    Yes you do. I was addressing people mad a tower wasn’t up. I wasn’t addressing any complaints about looks for towers. It’s pretty obvious that the citizens of the city would have a right to be mad about “booger” looking buildings sprouting up.
  12. God

    Emerald Tower | 153.61m | 45s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

    I’m not telling y’all to not point out bad things corporation’s are doing. I’d say that’s absolutely our role as citizens. Which is what I did in my message. Pointing out faults and mistakes is justified and valid. Being upset a project isn’t getting built quick enough is a sense of entitlement...
  13. God

    Emerald Tower | 153.61m | 45s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

    To my understanding they are given a set amount of time to build and the only thing they promise is to build in that time. As far as I know they promised to build in a certain amount of time and that time hasn’t run out yet. So I absolutely can’t make the assumption that they felt short of...
  14. God

    Emerald Tower | 153.61m | 45s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

    Everyone here has a valid reason to be mad about the maintenance of the vacant sites. You can’t be mad at them for not building multimillion dollar towers in the sky while you sit at home and get your daily cardio through your fingers. Sucks when buildings don’t go up right away but it should...
  15. God

    CNIB Redevelopment | 106m | 32s | ONE Properties | Wallman Architects

    I disagree, it’s all about context and the different type of contexts, whether it’s seasonal or geographical or a combo of both. 7 months out of the year the entire city is grey and white. You can look up and down left and right and everything is grey and white. We should be encouraging colours...
  16. God

    Falcon Towers | 170m | 44s | Langham Developments | Arc Studio

    People tend to forget that a lot of the developers are local developers who built their companies from nothing. There isn’t a lot of fereign money and investments being dumped here. People don’t realize that these developers aren’t playing sims city. It’s real money, development ain’t a game...
