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Search results

  1. crisp

    Army & Navy Redevelopment | ?m | 6s | Edgar

    Any chance that last proposal can still be used? The biggest missed opportunity for a positive change Whyte Ave
  2. crisp

    Abbey Park Residences | 22.86m | 6s | Abbey Lane Homes

    If I were looking to rent in Edmonton, those trees would have just sold me on this one.
  3. crisp

    The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    Hey, I'm not saying I don't like it. An architectural marvel makes me go ooooh and aaaaah like how some people here seem to be doing about this building. I'm not looking for architectural marvels. It's a great fit and I'd like to see more. But it doesn't make me go oooooh and aaaaah.
  4. crisp

    Roxy Theatre Rebuild | ?m | 2s | Theatre Network | Group2

    When I see people saying they're ignoring/blocking a person it's usually for valid reason. Reading this thread though, I don't see why y'all so butt hurt about @jwroller? To me it seems like @gronk is the one that has an obsession with the Roxy and is angry about the property feud, making some...
  5. crisp

    The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    Definitely not an architectural marvel, it's a black stucco box with metal railing balconies. The only thing I really like about its presence is how European-esque it is. The fact it even has an inner courtyard has me thinking the developer came up with this structure after a trip to Frankfurt...
  6. crisp

    FARM | ?m | 2s

    Would love to see some height added here for the 124STrip. A 6-8 Storey would suffice.
  7. crisp

    Falcon Towers | 170m | 44s | Langham Developments | Arc Studio

    If only they did the hidden railing treatment on the balconies as depicted in the renderings, this would've been a total win for the City. Alas, they cheaped out and went with the same ugly treatment as Icon and Fox, probably got a good deal retaining a vendor.
  8. crisp

    ONE12 | 46m | 14s

    For a uni student this is totally fine, long term living would be tougher. Better than a studio. As for the laundry in the bathroom, totally fine with this size of unit. Maybe one day we will start seeing the European apartment design where the washing machine is in the kitchen (usually in...
  9. crisp

    11206 100 Ave. | ?m | ?s | Westrich Pacific

    I sure hope so! Please keep the Grandin area dominantly residential, I loved walking through the area and getting a sense of peacefulness while surrounded by high density. Sick and tired of urbanists demanding commercial spots on every single corner and street and avenue and alley (Calgary...
  10. crisp

    South Edmonton Hospital & Health Campus | ?m | ?s | Province of Alberta

    It's ok everyone, we'll get the Hyperloop / HSR built with the Edmonton station where the South Hospital was supposed to be, and a Red Deer station right at the steps of their new hospital.... WIN WIN!! .... I'll see myself out
  11. crisp

    Edmonton Nightlife (past and present)

    @Platinum107 No idea what it's like on Whyte, haven't partied on the strip in years. Chvrch of John was my go to while I was living DT edmonton. I heard its gotten stupid busy now though and does the bottle service thing now too so I don't know. Have you been to Baiju? It's quite the hotspot...
  12. crisp

    Edmonton Nightlife (past and present)

    THE GLOBE! The old house where Mayfair on Jasper now stands. This place and Ezzie's is where my nightlife started at the age of 17 using my brother's ID 🤣 He'd used to come in like half hour after me and I'd hand him his ID through the smoke pit lol good times. Only once it didn't work because...
  13. crisp

    Army & Navy Redevelopment | ?m | 6s | Edgar

    There still are nightclubs, they just aren't as appealing to the normal crowd because it's all about the bottle service now. You now got to burn stupid money just to look cool or be left feeling like a peasant if you aren't doing that. How many people want to buy bottle.... in Edmonton?? Go to...
  14. crisp

    Riley's 108 Street Redevelopment | 20.2m | 6s | J+S Architect

    Yes should be at least 10 to 12 storeys, would have zero issue with this is it was three blocks West. At least it will help the Monaco buildings finally tie into the area.
  15. crisp


    Pretty sure what you see here is the maximum allowance in the developer's budget before a complete tear-down to surface parking conversion was a more viable option.
  16. crisp


    One is an entirely new building designed from scratch. One is a retrofit of an old ugly building. Sunrise is getting my vote of approval, the only thing better they could have done is to tear it down. Plus, why everyone hopped up on the idea that a building called sunrise is black? The black...
  17. crisp

    The Shift | 113.08m | 38s | Edgar | MCM Partnership

    Well yeah I definitely disagree with any form of financial incentives for residential developers. Especially from a city that seems to be broke considering it now has to charge for street parking on Sundays (this coming from an upset ex-Edmontonian with a recent $50 fine for parking downtown on...
  18. crisp

    The Shift | 113.08m | 38s | Edgar | MCM Partnership

    Yes I understand that it is an issue in every North American city. The difference is that other cities (or at least the ones I am always comparing Edmonton to in where I want it to be) already had a strong and vibrant downtown community. So if it's a go-to place where people admire their...
  19. crisp

    The Shift | 113.08m | 38s | Edgar | MCM Partnership

    But based on the comments from Edgar that we are talking about, I don't see them asking for any grants or financial incentives. They are simply saying they need the City to do more about the state of downtown. We can redevelop all the streets and avenues, and people will still not move downtown...
  20. crisp

    The Shift | 113.08m | 38s | Edgar | MCM Partnership

    Yup, unfortunately council listens more to SJW's than people with money and a vision.
