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Search results

  1. Hilman

    JW Marriott and The Legends Private Residences | 191.1m | 56s | ICE District Prop. | Hariri Pontarini

    Looks very sharp (not the corners though ;)).
  2. Hilman

    Raymond Block | ?m | 6s | Wexford Developments | DIALOG

    Great to see, that lot has been vacant for far too long.
  3. Hilman

    Rogers Place | ?m | ?s | Katz Group | HOK
  4. Hilman

    Symphony Tower Edmonton | ?m | 27s | Allen Wasnea | KENNEDY
  5. Hilman

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.
  6. Hilman

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.
  7. Hilman


    Thanks, I checked a few of the folders but of course didn't check the Real Estate one lol.
  8. Hilman

  9. Hilman

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.
  10. Hilman

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG
  11. Hilman

    Enbridge Centre | 110.64m | 28s | Pangman | DIALOG
  12. Hilman

    Central Tower at Century Park | ?m | 18s | ProCura Real Estate | Humphreys

    Because you add 500 cars on the roads that are going downtown, the university, etc. and we should not be dissuading people from taking mass transit. This TOD plans on adding 4,500 units, which is a huge number especially for a suburban area like this. I know you hate cars but providing a small...
  13. Hilman

    Central Tower at Century Park | ?m | 18s | ProCura Real Estate | Humphreys

    I don't have a problem with it, this site will be very dense and that parking lot is VERY busy with thousands of people on the waiting list for pay parking.
  14. Hilman

    Ultima | 108.81m | 32s | Westrich Pacific | DIALOG

    They should have wrote "This could be the ulitma prize if a downtown condo is in your plans." :D
  15. Hilman

    Edmonton Skyline
  16. Hilman

    Raymond Block | ?m | 6s | Wexford Developments | DIALOG
  17. Hilman

    Rogers Place | ?m | ?s | Katz Group | HOK

    Not a surprise, haters gonna hate.
