Active Member
The City feels good about itself by giving city landmarks indigenous names - but then seems to be okay with EPS policemen like Ben Todd kicking innocent indigenous citizens like Pacey Dumas in the head resulting in horrific life altering injuries. Constable Todd only faced minimal punishment for this and should have been charged with attempted murder - big tough guy Todd basically curb stomped teenage Dumas in the head. Dumas had committed no crime and was never arrested for anything - and even if he had committed a crime he should have just been hand-cuffed and read his rights. Police have no right to treat any citizens like this. Unfortunately this is one of serveral cases like this involving "law enforcement" in Edmonton and Alberta. If I was indigenous I would much rather have my civil rights protected then having civic politicians virtue signal about how righteous Edmonton is by giving urban parks indigenous names. The Pacey Dumas case makes Edmonton look like Mississippi.And approved -- O-day'min park it is.
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