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News   Apr 02, 2020
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Downtown Crime

Increased funding, more capital funding in the budget, salary settlement, funding formula.

EPS has been getting a lot lately, and frankly I haven't seen them downtown often at all. Twice for me too in the last year.

They're always driving by though :)

At this point, the wacky conspiracy part of my brain thinks the EPS likes using downtown as the funding boogeyman to hold over city council. I know there's been stuff like COTT but that's a Peace Officer initiative if I'm not mistaken?
I'd like to think our council is a bit smarter than that, but maybe not. I don't feel they are out on the streets downtown much, so maybe they haven't noticed.

Being located downtown you would think they might get out a bit, but I suspect for some it is mostly just taking the elevator to the parkade and quickly driving back to where they live.
I'd like to think our council is a bit smarter than that, but maybe not. I don't feel they are out on the streets downtown much, so maybe they haven't noticed.

Being located downtown you would think they might get out a bit, but I suspect for some it is mostly just taking the elevator to the parkade and quickly driving back to where they live.
Funnily enough I was just walking around downtown an hour ago and just saw Sohi walking around alone.

Either way, I still think EPS needs to deliver visible results downtown rather than whatever they're doing now. I've seen more Peace Officers than anything else.
On a walk early this morning noticed Zocalo's front door was smashed up. ☹️

Reported it, hopefully they're able to get a hold of the owners. Hope as well the cold didn't wipe out their plant inventory, was planning on getting some this weekend.
While a relatively small overall loss, I was informed of yet another move out of Downtown due to customer and staff safety concerns. A longtime optometrist and retail shop relocating to Sherwood Park.
While a relatively small overall loss, I was informed of yet another move out of Downtown due to customer and staff safety concerns. A longtime optometrist and retail shop relocating to Sherwood Park.
I always wonder how places like optometrists, dentists, etc. can pick up and move to a completely different location 30-40 mins. drive away. Don't these places generally serve the communities they're in? Are their customers/patients going to start making the trip to Sherwood Park or are they essentially starting from scratch? I understand moving to a bigger or nicer location within the same area, but this seems like it would be a challenging move.
Agreed, but perhaps it's closer to where they live or have a partner store? Unsure in this case.

All I know is that a family member will no longer be coming Downtown for eyes (often lunch and some shopping too) and yes, has to go to SP now.
I wouldn't be too concerned about this, there are other optometrists downtown and maybe even someone new will also pick up the slack.

People do move businesses for various reasons and this may be to be closer to where they or family members live or plan to live.

Fairly certain most of the customers will not be making the trek to Sherwood Park (unless they live there and work downtown).
An Edmonton city council committee meeting on Tuesday morning was abruptly halted around 10:30 a.m. due to potential gunfire at city hall and an active shooter. The Emergency Advisory Committee, led by Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, had been in session for about an hour when a sudden noise prompted the evacuation of the River Valley Room. Councillors were instructed to leave, and Mayor Sohi announced a recess, following reports of shots fired or heard in the vicinity. Several councillors received messages confirming an active shooter situation, with one person reportedly in custody. Video exclusively supplied to yegwave shows a man in custody sitting in the back of a police van.All meetings for the day were canceled, and the building was placed on lockdown, with roads around city hall closed. The Edmonton Police Service later confirmed an investigation into a weapons complaint, stating one person had been arrested, and a sweep of city hall was underway, urging citizens to avoid the area.(Source: Edmonton Journal) #YEGWAVE

