Hat at Five Corners | ?m | 24s | Cidex Group

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There were quite a few stipulations/conditions on the sale, though, so I imagine it doesn't stay quiet forever.
Looks like the Corners is coming back to life. Norr Architects have some very respectable projects under their belts -- it will be exciting to see what they have come up with. In the same agenda I noticed a project called InHouse 110 Street Condos -- Architect Marshall Tittemore Architects (same crew that designed the Mezzo in Old Strathcona) -- this, too, could be an exciting project.

DavidEwasukCTV‏ @DavidEwasukCTV 15 minutes ago
Will this tower fill the hole sitting empty for 3 years in The Quarters? Details coming at 5 & 6. #yeg #yegdt
I was hoping for something more exciting... ah well, at least the hole will get plugged.
Anyone know what happened with the 110 Street Condo project that was supposed to be on the same agenda?
