Eighteen months since our last update, and progress at Beljan Developments' @81 conversion and expansion project near Whyte Avenue has made major gains. The former single-storey commercial structure that once stood upon the site has been gutted and stripped down, its foundations now in the midst of accommodating the planned additional three storeys. 

@81, on the rise, image by Forum contributor Daveography

Set to become a mixed-use residential development with retail at grade, @81 will feature three levels of rental apartments situated above a single level of street-facing retail. In total, six separate retail bays will face onto the street, with the largest to span 2,729 sq. ft. 

@81, alternate view, image by Forum contributor Daveography

The other five commercial units will face directly onto 81 Ave NW, the addition to bring a great deal of pedestrian activity to the area. On-site amenities for residents will be ample as well, at 2,500 sq. ft., and will include a large outdoor patio.  

@81, image via Beljan Development

Representative of a fresh start of sorts for the site, @81's conversion and expansion will serve Strathcona well, the walkable neighbourhood to benefit from more of what makes it lively and urban. 

SkyriseEdmonton will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.