Six weeks since we last checked in on the Centre West Conversion and Expansion, and progress has been moving along swiftly. After drilling the pilot holes into the side of the former office block, balcony installation has begun in earnest, with a crop of black metal bases now in place.
Set to become home to 214 units in total, the Centre West Conversion and Expansion project will see the former 12-storey government office block converted into condos, as a new six-storey, purpose-built, residential block is built next door. Designed by KENNEDY for Strategic Group, the project will breathe new life into Edmonton's Government District, the area long a mainstay for the 9-4:30 crowd - and little else besides.
While the old office tower will receive 154 units, the new mid-rise block will take the remaining 60, each together to represent a local influx of upwards of 300 residents. Close to Jasper Ave, transit, and the downtown core, the Government District will be a fine home for urban professionals looking to live in the heart of the city.
Once complete, the Centre West Conversion and Expansion will be a net positive for the area, the anticipated increase in pedestrian vibrancy alone to make the project well worth its while.
SkyriseEdmonton will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.