A new affordable housing project slated for 72 Street just north of 144 Avenue will triple the number of units on the property. The GEC Architecture-designed Londonderry development put forward by Capital Region Housing received an easy ride at a public hearing on Monday, opening up a path towards construction that could begin as early as this fall.

The Londonderry development is arranged in an X, image via GEC Architecture

The $72 million mixed-income housing project will replace the 80-unit assemblage of buildings currently on the site with 240 apartments and townhomes. The apartments will range in size from one- to five-bedroom layouts and are arranged across the site in an 'X' formation. 

To allay fears of back-alley crime, GEC Architecture has ensured that there are front doors in all directions. This design approach keeps eyes on the street and maximizes sight lines. The development will also include public and private courtyards and retail spaces, with a daycare and local community organizations among the tenants being scouted.

Two courtyards will be created, image via GEC Architecture

City officials are hoping the development becomes a blueprint for affordable housing across Edmonton. Additional images and information can be found in the Database file linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion or share your photos? Check out the associated Forum thread or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.