Edmonton's North Saskatchewan River Valley represents the longest continuous stretch of urban parkland in North America, spanning the length of the city and its northern and southern suburbs with a network of nearly 100 kilometres of trails. However, many of these trails have been neglected by the City due to cutbacks and a lack of political will. But the Edmonton Journal recently reported that the City is finally ready to embrace and properly care for its largest natural asset. To this end, the Ribbon of Green initiative will pump tens of millions of dollars into the trail system over the next few years in hopes of restoring and expanding the network for all to enjoy. 

Ribbon of Green, Study Areas 1 and 2, image via the City of Edmonton

The Ribbon of Green initiative includes a study focusing on two vast stretches of the River Valley trail system, to the southwest and northeast of the city. The City will then move to repair and expand the trail network, adding an additional 50 kilometres of usable trails to the existing 30 kilometres, for a total of 80 kilometres by project's end. Before work can proceed however, the City is seeking public input on the project by holding two open houses later this month. These public engagement opportunities are key to advancing the project in the best interests of the people of Edmonton, who are the future users of the rehabilitated River Valley trail system.

The open houses will take place on March 23 and 24 at the Terwillegar and Clareview Community Recreation Centres respectively, from 4PM  to 8PM.