Winspear Centre Completion Project | 29.87m | 4s | Winspear Centre | Andrew Bromberg

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Looks like this is the new design:


Anyone know if it's still the same design team?
@Marcanadian :eek: I've never seen that render before, that looks nothing like anything I could have expected.

Arch|TB was bought by and folded into Stantec a while back. Not sure who did that latest design but that looks a few leagues above their usual work...
Right, I sent a message to Stantec to see whether they're involved in this new design at all. I know Bing Thom was rebranded to 'Revery Architecture' as well.
Received a reply from Winspear; here's the team:

·Annemarie Petrov – President & CEO, Winspear Centre for Music

·Sam Jenkins – Chair, Winspear Design & Construction Ad Hoc Committee

·Design Architect – Andrew Bromberg with Aedas – headquartered in Hong Kong

·Local Architect – Joe Tkalcic with Stantec formerly Architecture Tkalcic Bengert (referred to as Architect of Record)

·Performance Venue Consultant – Tateo Nakajima with Arup headquartered in London England

·Construction Manager – Steve Lenarduzzi with Clark Builders

·Bill Eddins – Music Director Emeritus, Edmonton Symphony Orchestra

·Alison Kenny-Gardhouse – Vice President of Music Engagement, Francis Winspear Centre for Music

·Alyssa Paterson – General Manager, Winspear Centre, Francis Winspear Centre for Music

·Wylie Stafford – Project Manager, Francis Winspear Centre for Music Completion Project

So it's Aedas and Stantec.
This building is looking absolutely amazing. Do they have a website for this project?
Thank you @Davography
