East Junction | 86m | 25s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

What do you think of this project?

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I've said it before, but this type of infill works against the City's goals of higher density/TOD in the City. It becomes something people can point to and say "well, we don't want that in our neighbourhood", and it's hard to disagree.
100%. It’s a complete betrayal of public trust, especially for residents of Holyrood/Bonnie Doon/Idylwylde. They did a lot of public consultation and paraded around a lot of niceties to get zoning approved just to build this abhorrent garbage that wasn’t even close to their proposed renderings.

Would have loved to hear @daveography’s thought’s on this one.
100%. It’s a complete betrayal of public trust, especially for residents of Holyrood/Bonnie Doon/Idylwylde. They did a lot of public consultation and paraded around a lot of niceties to get zoning approved just to build this abhorrent garbage that wasn’t even close to their proposed renderings.

Would have loved to hear @daveography’s thought’s on this one.
I think it will largely depend on how and if the rest of the development proceeds. While I'm sure he would be annoyed at the design, having a hole in the ground for an extended period of time is probably worse from a usage perspective given there was supposed to be a public park component.
This looks like someone didn't plan things properly and was forced to value engineer this to mediocrity.
Get your shit together, buy the stuff you need in bulk before building to protect yourself from rising prices.
PREACH THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS. I'm seeing some wild stuff happening due to cost escalations right now. Projects are going to look WILDLY different than originally proposed due to cost-cutting. I am curious about why these windows shrank soooo much though. not just NECB?
A developer who willingly proceeds on a building that looks like this has very little respect for the community it works in. Quite a fall from grace for the same people that built the pearl.
Proforma run amok I think. Someone didn't consider all the short and long term costs/liabilities accruing to the company and damage to reputation.
Not that I am sure they really care (maybe that is a big part of the problem), but I think instead of goodwill, this company will soon have to have a liability called bad will on their balance sheet soon.
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It’s so much worse than I could have possibly imagined.
Anyone for a skyrise meetup to drink until we forget what this building looks like? I’ll bring the 100 proof rum
