Stationlands Residential Towers | 90m | 25s | Qualico | DIALOG

What do you think of this project?

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A weird thought I have been having is the legacy Qualico will leave on Edmonton’s downtown. I think in a few decades, Station Lands will be recognized as one of the most pivotal initiatives for downtown and its transformation, perhaps even beyond the ICE District.

The fact they built the first office high rise tower in over 20 years in Edmonton was impressive enough, but to build the project with such long development timelines and so much forethought to building out a larger community is brilliant. I don’t see many other developers around here able to put something like this together—but I suppose few developers are institutions like Qualico with the means to pull this off.

Very few companies have the financial capacity of Qualico or the patient capital to do something like this. Not a criticism of other developers in town but more a statement on how strong Qualico's overall balance sheet truly is.
Very few companies have the financial capacity of Qualico or the patient capital to do something like this. Not a criticism of other developers in town but more a statement on how strong Qualico's overall balance sheet truly is.
Using low density development profit and putting it towards the more expensive high density infill development is a good business model (if you are committed to both forms of development, that is).
Do you know for sure?
I would think it’s a safe bet that will be the case, usually want to build the taller tower second (of course there’s numerous exceptions to that rule)
I would think it’s a safe bet that will be the case, usually want to build the taller tower second (of course there’s numerous exceptions to that rule)
We can all make that assumption but does anyone know?
Taken April 7, 2022
Soon this view will be different

And soon this view will be no more
Wanna know what I think? I think that BOTH the 16 and 23(?) storey buildings will be built at the same time! No way would that 16 storey hold almost 500 units by itself. Since Phase 2 states - “$185M” and 485 units,” it has to be both buildings at the same time. Plus, what other 16 storey building in this city cost $185M to build? I’m convinced it’s both.
185 certainly indicates 2 buildings, but we are also used to buildings with 100-300 units around 75-100mil...
Consider though the amount of work already done there though… they aren’t starting from scratch bare land
