The City of Edmonton is hosting two public engagements Tuesday that will provide the public with a window into the future of Whyte Avenue and Decoteau in the southeast. Though both very different in scope and intent, the two proposed frameworks aim to guide growth in the decades to come.

Whyte Avenue, image by Flickr user Gord McKenna via Creative Commons

The City has initiated a land use study for the Whyte Avenue commercial portion of the Strathcona Area Development Plan. The study will identify and examine ways to enhance the neighbourhood's heritage, character and livability over the next 20 to 25 years, with an eye towards exploring opportunities for additional development. The resultant long-term design vision will guide the manner in which the corridor develops in the future. The PlanWhyte project team has held a number of public consultations that have produced a range of valuable feedback. The team will assemble once again on Tuesday from 6 PM to 9 PM at the Old Timers Cabin (9430 Scona Road NW) to update the public on the status of the plan, share ideas for the study area, and answer questions.

North Decoteau area, image via City of Edmonton

The other public engagement puts the focus on one of Edmonton's urban growth areas. City Council approved the Decoteau Area Structure Plan in spring 2015, outlining land uses and policies for five neighbourhoods. Now, the City is formulating a Neighbourhood Structure Plan, which generally provides a more detailed direction for development. The plan will create a framework for the development of 386 hectares of land, which includes the largest wetland complex within the City's borders. From 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Ellerslie Campus (521 66 Street SW), the community is invited to review the neighbourhood planning process and examine the proposed neighbourhood concept for the North Decoteau area, which covers the northern section of the Decoteau Area Structure Plan. 

More information about Plan Whyte can be found on the City's website or at our Forum thread. Additional information about the North Decoteau Neighbourhood Structure Plan is also available on the City website.